Thursday, August 26, 2010


Sweet Millefeuille
On Sunday morning, August 22, Daddy came out of the shower and found Millefeuille lying on his side. Cat was sleeping and Daddy came to wake her up, to inform her that Mille had indeed passed away. Cat was a bit sad, but she knew Mille had not been well for 3 months. He had been on antibiotics and was weak, with some days being better than others. Cat was happy that Mille was a in better place called Rattie Heaven.

Mille had lived a great gourmet life. He had eaten plenty of raw and vegan food. He had had great adventures in the REAL RAW RATTIE FAMILY'S first apartment, climbing the kitchen cart for food scraps and fishing around in the bathroom, especially the garbage! When the REAL RAW RATTIE FAMILY moved to their next home, Mille and his brother Chev would have a great time as they had a HUGE space to free range outside their home cage. Cat would leave their door open, and Mille and Chev would climb on top of the TV cart, leave their territorial markings everywhere and hide and play in the recycling bin. In fact, back in the good old young days, Cat would make club houses made of cardboard boxes, and Mille and Chev would hide and play amongst the levels.
In those days, Mille was a real bugger! He was a sneaky fellow, stealing Chev's food and hiding it for later! There were many days when Mille and Chev even played a game out of it and would steal food from each other and hide it in their hiding spot!! Cat even got long plumber tubes so the Mille and Chev could hide in them and they would connect to great places, like from the home cage to the recycling bin.
Just Cuddlin' Together, Mille & Chev
In those days, Mille would also get into T-R-O-U-B-L-E. He would bite on the baseboards close to the doors that led to to the closet and the living room. In fact, at the least opportunity Mille and Chev would bolt for the big wide space where Cat and Daddy hung out in the living room, and there Mille would try to chew up the TV wires. Both boys had several field days when Cat forgot to close the closet door and had a great hoot digging holes in the items they found on the floor. Chev would climb up the clothes hanging in there and make it to the top shelf, where he would leave his signature rattie chew marks in Cat's personal belongings.
Mille was never that great at climbing, but when Cat decided that the home cage would fare better in the kitchen area, neither REAL RAW RATTIE complained. Indeed, it was a delight to have so many wonderful odors around! Cat moved the recycling bin under the kitchen island, and Mille came full swing into his days as the builder architect. He would take pieces of paper and plastic bags and stuff his room and Chev's room, too, to the brim. Chev would get mad at all this mess and unfortunately Mille didn't take it too well. That was when he started spending his time hiding in plastic bags and tissue boxes in the recycling bin. He was tired of Chev always playing rough with him. He was a peaceful kind of guy, and chilling and cuddling with Cat were some of his favorite activities.
Move Over, Zuko, I'm Coming to Join You!
His other favorite activity was eating! Chev was always so busy running and bouncing around that Mille would eat his portion and Chev's. Unfortunately, that meant that- raw, vegan or not- Mille ended up gaining weight. Exercise was not his strong suit and he refused to listen to Cat's chidings and advice on going on going on a diet, eating slowly or getting in some running. No, he would walk around--and come out of his home cage to see what was for dinner! Eventually, Cat started piling on the fruits and especially veggies, and Mille was not too happy about that. Nor was he happy when Cat imposed a restricted diet and even a few times, a one day fast. In fact, although he seemed to bound with energy and be highly affectionate, even happy!, after these occasions, he would always return to his old behaviors of stealing food and eating too much.
Then, one day, Cat noticed that Mille seemed to be spending a LOT of time either in his home cage or the recycling bin. In time, Mille seemed to prefer just being alone in his room. The mycoplasma  had realy declared war on Mille and began to stop eating. He subsequently lost a lot of weight, and his health continued to decline. For the last 3 months of his life, he ate almost a 100% raw diet. He had changed to eating his food slowly; he would savor his food, especially his favorite---fruit! He also still liked to cuddle with Cat, sometimes just hiding his head in the crook of arm and side, earning him the nickname the Ostrich Cuddler, and sometimes just being on her shoulder and hiding in her hair.
Since his departure, Chev has been a bit more quiet, still his usual self, but one to talk to or groom or cuddle with at night...Cat has been calling him grandpa lately as he too is getting older. He seems to be showing signs of mycoplasma as Cat found red porphyrin stains on the inside of his box...Oh, Zuko, not you too!!
Cat and Chev miss You, Millefeuille, but know that you are happy and will meet with you one day...We love you, Millefeuille!

Friday, August 20, 2010



Cat came home after work to find Mille not doing so well. He had a clicking noise in his breathing. He immediately came onto Cat`s shoulder and just stayed there for a while, hiding behind her hair. Then he went back in his box, refusing to eat. It seems Daddy is going to have to intervene with some naturopathic 'medicine...'

Chev was his usual Zuko self, as always! He came bounding out of his home cage, circling Cat`s feet until she gave him a piece of apple. He finished that bit quickly, hiding in the shadows under one of the kitchen cabinets. Then he was back for more! Cat prepared a simple supper of sprouted buckwheaties, soaked sunflower and pumpkin seeds, a few grains of bee pollen, a few chichers (roasted chickpeas) and some kale for greens. Wouldn't you know, Zuko started taking everything out of his bowl and hiding it behind the kitchen cart, leaving a trail of food from his home cage to the cart! That is, until Cat intervened; oops, her hand closed the door and Zuko ate the rest of his bowl inside in the dining area of his home cage. Ah, Zuko!!

Last night's good laugh (after the blog was posted): Zuko climbed the kitchen cart and crept quietly onto the counter. Cat had heard a noise and went to investigate.

"Zuko?" Cat queried.

No answer. Then Cat spotted a tail peeking out from behind the Ziploc bag that Cat had washed and left to dry on the counter.

"Are you playing hide and seek again, Zuk-boy?" Cat asked.

While she made herself a tisane, she left Zuko to explore the counter area, supervised.
He crept onto the dish rack where the dishes were drying and saw a small, round plastic ring that belonged to the steamer (that had steamed his hot potatoes that he had hurriedly shoved in his mouth and flung up his arms in seeming protest!). This time, being Zuko of course, he couldn`t go over or around the circle piece, no, he had to go IN the circle piece. The next thing you knew, Zuko had this circle ring half-way down his body and started to try and escape his predicament! Oh, how Cat laughed!! SILLY ZUKO!! Cat slid the ring off his body and offered the ring back to him.

"How about another round?" she teased.

Zuko took his paws and pushed it away, writhing his body, and seemingly shaking his head as if to say, "No way!"

Cat laughed again. Silly Zuko!!

No silliness tonight! Perhaps he learned his lesson...?

Nah, he'll be back to some trick or other tomorrow!

For tonight, his adventures have been mild:
  • stealing a tissue from the bathroom garbage (Yuck, Zuko!), and then biting a few pieces from the clean one Cat gave him
  • climbing the laundry hampers (climb one- DOH! closed with a lid, climb down the other one- DOH! empty! Foiled again!!)
  • grooming himself behind the washing machine while Cat quickly showered (good job, you took a pointer, Zuko!)
  • gnawing at the almond milk container to get a few drops of that sweet nectar
  • and, as usual, attempting to climb the barrier dividing the kitchen and the living room, upon hearing Daddy doing his tai chi 
That`s it for now, folks! THE REAL RAW RATTIES are off to bed and so too will Cat and Andy be soon. Night Night!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another Day in the Real Raw Rattie Family

Cat was gone all day at work and when she returned, Zuko was rabid! No, not really! But he wad biting the cage wires of his home with his teeth: "Let me OUT OF HERE!" his action was saying!!

Cat let him out and he followed her around. He could smell the sweet potatoes cooking and he wanted FOOD!! Cat gave him a piece of walnut, some lettuce, sprouted buckwheat and a few pumpkin and sunflower seeds. He grabbed the walnut and ran to eat it behind the kitchen cart. Cat had left his bowl in his home and he checked it out but quickly came back. He wanted the sweet potato! Cat mashed it up, adding in some Himalayan sea salt and Udo's 369 oil, and then gave him some. It was still a little hot and when he refused to follow his instincts (he should've felt the heat in his paws when he took the food) and put it in his mouth. His paws flung up: "Too hot! Too hot!" Cat laughed; silly, Zuko! You're too quick and impatient, just wait and it'll cool down soon!

Cat tried to offer some agave to Mille, but he forcefully pushed it away. Daddy noticed the other day that Mille seems to have strong emotions. He's going through a hard time, the poor Pumpkin-boy. Cat caught him later stealing some of Zuko's sweet potato- a no-no food for Mille.Cat tried take it away, but it was too late. He had eaten it already. Cat separated Mille in his home cage and left Zuko to play outside. Mille had a great supper of Sweet Superfood Cereal: buckwheaties with almond milk and mesquite,yacon, lucuma, maca, and alkaline whey (Daddy, Mr. Naturopath,says this whey is alkaline and does not cause acidity in the blood).

And so, as another evening passes by, Cat wonders how the night will find the REAL RAW RATTIES: a lazin' about, "Garfield" Mille, enjoying another night of fresh air by the patio door... Zuko, busy investigating and ripping and tearing some box or other in the recycling bin...and Cat and Daddy, both tired after a long day, snuggling together and watching a movie... and counting how many times Zuko climbs the barrier to come and explore the big world in the living room, say hello to Cat and Daddy (and maybe even have the chance to sneak into the bathroom and steal and tissue out of the garbage!!). OH ZUKO! No,those computer wires do NOT need holes in them! Nor do the books in the office!!...

Another day passes by in the lives of the REAL RAW RATTIE FAMILY...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Apple & The Angel in Cat's Eye & Heart

While both REAL RAW RATTIES were zonked by yesterday`s heat, today was a lot better temperature-wise. Millefeuille came out and ate some pumpkin seeds while Chev ran away to eat his almond behind the kitchen cart. Of course, Chev came bounding back and was trying to eat all of Mille`s food. Cat scolded him twice, but he chose to burn his last chance and spent some time in 'time out' by himself in the cage. Mille lazed about, hiding in an old sleeping bag and then laying out in the front of the patio door to feel the nice breeze coming in.

During the evening, the boys were cooped up while Daddy washed the floors, then their cage got a good cleaning (much to Mille's annoyance!). Mille's health has been up and down; some days are better than others. Cat has been giving Mille Batryl every day and Daddy gave him some agave syrup to give him some energy. Since his decline in health, he has lost a lot of weight...Cat always knows when he his real self when he follows her around, looking for food and then gobbling it up!

Cat was actually telling Chev how fat he has gotten, compared to Millefeuille. What a role reversal! Cat found that when she left the old sleeping bag in the kitchen, that Chev would just snuggle in the far end near the zipper and not bother to do any exercise. On the times when she's taken it out, the ol' Zuk boy makes his reappearance--- like this night! Daddy left the sleeping bag elsewhere and wouldn't you know, Zuko was climbing the barrier between the kitchen and the living room!Then Cat and Daddy heard this *CLANG* noise and when Cat checked,it was Zuko on the counter! He had knocked over the sink stopper into the sink and was hoping to make a beeline for the leftover rice in the pot! When Cat put him on the floor, he made a second attempt to climb the kitchen cart, but didn't make it; he fell down! No worries, Cat and Daddy then heard him rattling things around in the recycling bin! Ah, Zuk, you're the apple of Cat's eye...and Mille, you're the angel in Cat's heart...

Sunday, August 15, 2010



* Nicknames: Chev, Zuko, Zuk, Stinky
* Notable for: Left ear has a tear in it from one of his many escapades. Scales barriers, rock climbs the kitchen cart, and forages in the recycling bin on a daily basis. Highly physical. Usually has dirty paws--doesn't worry too much about personal hygiene. Likes to rule the roost
* Positive attributes: Highly intelligent-loves to supervise and see what's happening
* Negative attributes: Alter Ego Prince Zuko means he likes to boss and dominate Mille. Loves attention! Loves to be first
* Fave foods: Adores his greens & fat! Broccoli and leafy greens like lettuce and kale as well as coconut oil/butter, olives and avocado
* Ayurvedic type: Pita-vata
* Element: Fire


* Nicknames: Mille, Pumpkin, Angel
* Notable for:
Mr. Architect: Loves to make nests in his two houses. Cat caught him many a-time taking small pieces of paper and plastic bags from the recycling bin. Cat did an experiment one day where she put back all the papers from the cage into the recycling bin, and when her back was turned, sure enough, Mille went back to remake the nest. When Cat tried scolding him about using bags, he seemed hurt and also angry. He ignored her and wouldn't come to see her for a few days afterward. Then Cat got an idea; she tore up papers from the weekly flyers that came in the mail. At first, Mille was in nest heaven! Then, one day, Cat put papers all over the cage. Now it appears Mille is on strike. Cat thinks he's fed up of having to re-make his nest every 2-3 days when the cage (and his room) gets a cleaning.
Mr. Ostrich Cuddler: Mille loves to sit on Cat's lap, and hide his head between the crook of her arm and torso, while he is petted. He will stay there for 10 minutes, or until Chev decides he wants attention, too!
* Positive attributes: Likes to be clean. Ensures Chev gets his daily dose of grooming, whether he needs it or not. Very gentle
* Negative attributes: Tends to be afraid and nervous. Dislikes loud noises and bright lights. Can be sneaky: One time, Cat forgot to close the cage door and Mille decided it was time for an adventure, solo. Cat & Daddy came home to find holes in the blanket on the bed, and Daddy's jeans were ruined.
* Fave foods: Loves his sweets and fat! Sweet fruits like bananas, apples and grapes as well as soaked sunflower & pumpkin seeds.
* Ayurvedic type: Kapha-vata
* Element: Water


The real raw ratties are Cat's two little furry creatures, Millefeuille and Chevrefeuille. They are both males and pretty much RAW!
    Millefeuille (or Mille for short) was so-named after a French pastry, which is a triple-layered confection of fluffy pastry, cream in the middle and a thick, hard sugary coating on top. He's a natural gourmet and loves his food. He's always been rather chubby, not owing to the fact that his other favorite activity besides eating is sleeping. He's a quiet, submissive kind of guy, but he can be sneaky, like when he's stealing his brother's food when he's not looking! He's also a great inventor, builder and environmentalist; he's always popping into the recycling bin to reuse paper and plastic bags to make different kinds of nests in his cage (much to the annoyance of his brother, Chevrefeuille, when the building is in progress, but he benefits from the finished product!). He's also a very clean guy, frequently grooming, but he believes he can do it himself; he's really not into water (and bathing), even watching Cat doing dishes makes him fidgety and he'll only stay on her shoulder a handful of breaths before he has to bail out.

Chevrefeuille is French for honeysuckle, a flower. That name really belies what Chev is all about! He's a beautiful flower when he's sleeping, but he more aptly fits his nick name Prince Zuko (Zuk or Zuko), named after the Prince Zuko in the animation series Avatar who was constantly discovering new frontiers on his journey of self-discovery. That would be Zuko, constantly trying to climb the barrier that exists between his cage in the kitchen (the free range area) and the living room (the big free world, where the bathroom harbors some really nice baskets with clothes that seemingly need to be redesigned with holes for aeration). In his younger days, he used to rock climb Cat all the way up from feet to head, but then he took a pointer from Mille and now tugs on the bottom of her pants to be let up. He enjoys running along big pipe tubes, especially to see where he comes out when they are turned around or placed in different locations, pouncing on Mille to assure that he is the big KING brother, being tickled on his belly, supervising all of Cat's activities while on her shoulder, and anything that involves getting in t-r-o-u-b-l-e: like attempting to steal food on the kitchen island or ripping up the garbage bag because just maybe the lid will pop open and expose some tasty treasures within!