While both REAL RAW RATTIES were zonked by yesterday`s heat, today was a lot better temperature-wise. Millefeuille came out and ate some pumpkin seeds while Chev ran away to eat his almond behind the kitchen cart. Of course, Chev came bounding back and was trying to eat all of Mille`s food. Cat scolded him twice, but he chose to burn his last chance and spent some time in 'time out' by himself in the cage. Mille lazed about, hiding in an old sleeping bag and then laying out in the front of the patio door to feel the nice breeze coming in.
During the evening, the boys were cooped up while Daddy washed the floors, then their cage got a good cleaning (much to Mille's annoyance!). Mille's health has been up and down; some days are better than others. Cat has been giving Mille Batryl every day and Daddy gave him some agave syrup to give him some energy. Since his decline in health, he has lost a lot of weight...Cat always knows when he his real self when he follows her around, looking for food and then gobbling it up!
Cat was actually telling Chev how fat he has gotten, compared to Millefeuille. What a role reversal! Cat found that when she left the old sleeping bag in the kitchen, that Chev would just snuggle in the far end near the zipper and not bother to do any exercise. On the times when she's taken it out, the ol' Zuk boy makes his reappearance--- like this night! Daddy left the sleeping bag elsewhere and wouldn't you know, Zuko was climbing the barrier between the kitchen and the living room!Then Cat and Daddy heard this *CLANG* noise and when Cat checked,it was Zuko on the counter! He had knocked over the sink stopper into the sink and was hoping to make a beeline for the leftover rice in the pot! When Cat put him on the floor, he made a second attempt to climb the kitchen cart, but didn't make it; he fell down! No worries, Cat and Daddy then heard him rattling things around in the recycling bin! Ah, Zuk, you're the apple of Cat's eye...and Mille, you're the angel in Cat's heart...
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